Care Ministry
In SouthBrook’s Care Ministry, our desire is to meet the expressed emotional and spiritual needs of those in our congregation and the surrounding community.
- Cancer Hope
- Prayer Ministry
- Pastoral Counseling-Individual/Couples
- Pre-Marriage Mentoring
- 12 Step Recovery Groups
- Mind Hope
- Growth Institute

Cancer Hope provides hope, encouragement and love through a community of support so no one battles cancer alone.
To enroll for support or to sign up as a volunteer please complete the following form. Connect with Cancer Hope.
Our support services include:
- Prayer Partner
- Hospital Visits | Pastoral Counseling
- Cards
- Encouraging Text Messages
- Handmade Items of Hope
Questions? Feel free to contact us at

Of all the tools in our mission toolbox, prayer is one of the most powerful. Through prayer our Father offers us access to Himself and Heaven’s resources.
To submit a Prayer Request, click here.
Join our Prayer Team! Email Laura Greeno to get started.
Did you know we have a Prayer Room? Our Prayer Room offers a quiet, peaceful space to spend time with God and is available anytime the church is open. It is located just to the right of the coffee bar.
Questions? Please feel free to contact our Prayer Coordinator, Laura Greeno, at
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

SouthBrook Christian Church offers Pastoral Counseling. We help people find freedom, comfort, and joy.
We work with couples and individuals of any age. We also work with SouthBrookers and Non-SouthBrookers alike. We are not professional counselors or licensed therapists. Our lay counselors have been trained to help with a variety of personal and spiritual issues.

We offer a Pre-Marriage Mentoring program for engaged couples. In this program couples will gain a deeper understanding of how love and respect function together to create a life-long partnership and begin their marriage with a strong biblical foundation.
Couples are paired with a trained mentoring couple to complete and work through a premarital assessment.
To sign up for Pre-Marriage Mentoring, please contact our Reverie Team here.
Interested in becoming a Pre-Marriage Mentor? Click here to complete our simple application.
For a more in-depth look at our teachings, consider watching the messages below. Marriage is understanding how romance, recommitment and respect function together to create a partnership that grows and honors God. Romance affects recommitment. Recommitment affect respect. Respect affects romance. Each interplay uniquely together to create a growing marriage.

12-Step Groups meet from 7-8 p.m. on Mondays for those who struggle with any addiction, hurts, habits or hang-ups.
Next Step Recovery Discussion Group is for men and women, and meets from 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursdays.
Women’s Discussion Group is for women seeking help or dealing with life issues and meets weekly via Zoom. To join, please contact Chris Eaton at 937.287.9595.
Men’s Sexual Purity is for those who struggle with lust, pornography, or any sexual purity issue.
Men’s group led by J.R. Eaton at 937.361.3594 and Howie Hardy at 937.776.7553.
Women’s group led by Chris Eaton at 937.287.9595.

SouthBrook’s Mind Hope Ministry is dedicated to raising awareness for Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Mind Hope also offers support for those affected by Alzheimer’s and Dementia – whether you are living with Dementia or caring for someone with the disease.
To learn more about Mind Hope, Click here.

The Growth Institute is an online teaching platform designed to equip you with tools to choose a life you would love to live.