Thank you for investing your time, your money, your prayers and your gifts to the movement of God at SouthBrook. We are so glad to have you as a part of our community! We are incredibly thankful for your generosity to SouthBrook.

Give a real gift in a virtual way with secure, simple and flexible options, which allow for the scheduling of recurring or one–time gifts charged to a checking account, debit or credit card.
- Give electronically with a smartphone. Download Pushpay from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Select SouthBrook and follow steps to set up a profile.
- Give electronically from any computer by clicking here.

Make checks payable to SouthBrook Christian Church and mail to the address below. Or, provide your bank with this mailing information to send a check from your account.
SouthBrook Christian Church
Attn: General Offering or Players Box Offering
9095 Washington Church Road
Miamisburg, Ohio 45342

When giving appreciated stock, you will receive donation credit for the value of the stock on the date we receive. Additionally, you do not have to pay taxes on the appreciated value. If the stock has lost value, you can also receive an enhanced tax benefit. Sell it, claim the loss on your income tax return, and receive donation credit for the cash proceeds that you give to SouthBrook. In either case, please contact your tax advisor as these enhanced tax benefits may not be applicable in some situations.
Before initiating any stock donation, please notify Jarod Christman, our Finance Director, that this transaction will be taking place.
To give a year-end gift, all transactions must be initiated by the first week of December. The IRS requires all checks to be postmarked by Dec. 31.


Thank you for considering donating your cryptocurrency to SouthBrook! This church exists to connect people to Christ, not religion, and your generosity allows for those connections to happen.
Donating cryptocurrency is a relatively new way to be generous. Please note that donating is a non-taxable event. You do not owe capital gains on the appreciated crypto that is donated and can typically deduct the fair market value of the donation on your taxes. This makes donating cryptocurrency one of the most tax efficient ways to support SouthBrook. Once made, all cryptocurrency donations will be final and no refunds will be offered.
If you have any questions about giving cryptocurrency please contact Jarod Christman at
CLICK HERE to donate crypto donations through Engiven, a Pushpay partner.
Our 2019-2023 audited financials are available below.